It has taken me a shockingly long time to settle in here in Hong Kong, and there are times when I feel as if I'm still not quite there yet. It's been a very chaotic few weeks, but I have a semi-regular schedule now that makes me feel a little bit more calm about being here. I'm working part-time at a learning centre and private tutoring on the side and it's given my schedule incredible flexibility. I feel as if I haven't properly taken advantage of this yet. I have yet to establish a regular workout/ running schedule and the holidays have left me feeling stuffed and overly satisfied. It has been a really nice couple of weeks with family and friends and lots of visits. The next month is looking pretty packed already but I'm really looking forward to having visitors and hanging out.
5:30am adventure to catch the sunrise at The Peak. |
I'm slowly crossing things off on my list of things to do in Hong Kong, but while I do that I seem to be constantly adding new items. It's crazy to think that I only have about 3.5 months left here. I'm trying to plan a couple of trips at the moment as I hope to visit some new destinations before I have to head home. I'm lusting for exploration and unfamiliarity already. I've got my heart set on a few places and I'm hoping to get on top of booking everything mid-March so that I can start researching and figuring out exactly what I want to get up to. I get so incredibly excited thinking about flying and travelling and I haven't even booked anything yet!
Visiting with a friend's family - 23 stories up and such an amazing angle. |
The time so far in Hong Kong has been so lovely. I've had a chance to catch up with friends and family and spend quality time with them. We've been busy as we moved, so a whole week was spent cleaning, painting and building furniture. Our new flat is incredible though, and I feel so at home here it's really lovely. I tried to find the promenade I was told about to head out for a short run but can't seem to make it past all the construction that's happening right now. Ended up not feeling very well and cutting it even shorter to come home. Hopefully I get to try again sometime this week. Aside from that, there's just been a lot of random errands and work. I absolutely love the learning centre that I'm at right now and I couldn't be luckier to have landed a part-time position there. The students are amazing and the rest of the staff are incredibly kind and friendly.
Lunar New Year visits to family in Kwun Tong. |
I felt compelled to sit down and write tonight, but I'm finding now that I have very little to say. I have nothing of real interest to share. It's been tough being here in Hong Kong this time around, as I miss home quite a bit. It's strange for me as well because it's the first time that I won't be returning to head straight back to school (which I finally received my letter of confirmation for convocation from!). It's exciting to know that when I get my certificate and will officially be done with my undergraduate career but at the same time it's slightly terrifying to think that I have the option to not attend school anymore. Although that's not what I have planned, knowing that is still a daunting thought. I feel like I'm rambling now so I'm going to cut myself off before I continue to go on and on about nothing at all.